The delusion of fundamentalist Christianity

Christian fundamentalists who view the bible as a legitimate basis/foundation for their beliefs are pitifully delusional because they don’t realise that much of what they believe about the bible is the product of centuries of dark, ugly “church” history, throughout which doctrinal/political dissidents were routinely persecuted (often murdered) by the “Christian” authorities of their time. … Continue reading The delusion of fundamentalist Christianity

Science vs Christianity, Material vs Spiritual

People often see Science and Christianity as diametrically opposed, because if Science can explain everything, then there is no longer room for religion. Similarly, people are afraid that if Science completely explains all physical phenomena, including human behaviour, then we are left with an empty view of the self as being made up of merely mechanical, “soulless” … Continue reading Science vs Christianity, Material vs Spiritual

Free Will, Determinism, Salvation and the Christian Ethic

I’m actually having a conversation on this blog post: I wrote a lengthy comment as part of that conversation. It expresses a large chunk of my views on the subject, so I decided to repost it here. Please allow me to explain how I think taking the “free” out of “free will” doesn’t really cause … Continue reading Free Will, Determinism, Salvation and the Christian Ethic